Welcome to "Do Not Sleep"! In this game, you play as Maxine, the teaching assistant, who must keep the students awake during class.
At the start of the game, each student will have their own randomized timer for when they will begin sleeping. Once a student starts to fall asleep, an animation will appear above their head showing an increasing number of "Z's" to a maximum of three, indicating that they have fallen asleep. The students' idle animation will also slow to a stop, and their heads will hit their desks, starting a snore sound prompt. You will control Maxine by tapping on empty spaces around the classroom, directing her to automatically move to that space. Your goal is to keep the students awake using two methods. The first method is to run up close to the sleeping student and tap them, prompting Maxine to shake them awake. The second method is for the player to tap on a faraway student, and Maxine will throw a piece of chalk to hit the student and wake them up.
Do Not Sleep (2019)
Role: Gameplay Designer,
Sound Designer
But be careful! The amount of chalk you can throw is limited, and you can only hold a maximum of three pieces at a time. Each time you throw a piece, it expends one ammo, indicated by a chalk counter above Maxine's character. After a chalk hits a student, it will bounce off them to fall to the ground. But don't worry! If you have Maxine run over a fallen piece of chalk, she will pick it up and gain one reusable ammo, looping this effect. Your high score is based on how many students you wake up during the class period.
// Tips:
Shaking students is a quick solution to wake up several students at once from a single point if Maxine is positioned properly. However, throwing chalk adds a strategic element to the game, forcing the player to plan their route around the classroom to wake up students or wake up a student in an emergency if they cannot reach them in time.